Thursday, January 26, 2012

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HTC Titan Redefining Set Standards!

Lending a totally new definition and inference to what the ideal size of a smartphone handset ought to be HTC Corporation has taken the least trodden path and made the HTC Titan. In doing, so the Taiwanese mobile hone major has managed to rewrite quite a few things and closed greatly the gap that lie between a smartphone device and a mobile computer tablet device HTC Titan deals is well and truly entrenched in the UK mobile phone market place.

In its official web site, HTC Corporation while announcing the HTC Titan proudly proclaims that it is a smartphone handset that is something that is quite unlike anything that any user has held ever before. And mind you, this is not at all an idle marketing claim
that is not backed by real stuff. Far from it, the ceiling breaking 4.7 inches wide capacitive touch sensitive screen is so vivid that
you will remain spell bound for quite a few days of using the Titan.

That is how good the HTC Titan smartphone is though now smartphones from rivals like Samsung wielding even bigger screens have come out in the market place, it is pretty safe to state here that the HTC Titan is the first ever smartphone to come out sporting this wide a touch sensitive screen. More than the big sized screen, it is the sheer visual magic that you get to experience with the HTC Titan that is really praise worthy, to say the least.

The immersive display is the kind that you would not be able to take your eyes off that easily and it is really out of this world.
The presence of the Zune tunes that delivers millions of songs at the click of a few buttons with the HTC Titan is yet another splendid attraction that is bound to keep you busy for long. The Xbox Live feature also gives you endless hours of mobile gaming experience that you would not like to miss out for anything else in this world.

Yet another biggie is the eight mega pixel primary camera that has plenty of add on lend that extra edge to whatever levels of creative skills you already possess as a photographer. This superlative camera is fitted with the F2.2. lens and BSI sensor. This means that you can shoot and record videos at high resolution under any given light conditions.

By: Cat Johnes

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